Організатор конференції:
Описание SVG
Investment: Types, Risks, Instruments

23.02, 14:00

Offline, secret location

Free donation. 50% of the collected funds will be directed to support projects for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Quality content, knowledge exchange, and networking for IT entrepreneurs!

New, exciting, inspiring, and highly beneficial IT Wave One-Day Business Conference!

On February 23rd, we’ll have new speakers, new presentations, and updates to keep you informed about everything for development. The theme of the new IT Wave is investment. We will delve into the various aspects, exploring the types of investments and tools for investing, how to choose profitable directions, and how to navigate the legal aspects. We will also discuss real estate investment, highlighting the main risks involved and what can be accepted or avoided in the process. In addition, we will touch on artificial intelligence and medicine. There will be plenty of valuable information!

Sharing invaluable expertise will be: Eric Nyman, entrepreneur, financial analyst, and author of 6 books on trading and investing; Dmytro Tkachenko, business lawyer, founder and managing partner of the DT Partners Law Association, and Liubomyr Ostapiv, a renowned Ukrainian financier, founder of the “Family Budget” social project, partner at, and author of books.

We invite you to attend the IT Wave One-Day Business Conference and spend time among like-minded individuals and leaders in the IT industry.

What is IT Wave and why should you attend:

IT Wave is a series of conferences dedicated to the development of the IT business. In today’s world, managing a business without the ability to exchange experiences, unite, and openly interact with all market players is impossible. The strength of Ukrainians lies in the willingness to share knowledge, experiences, and working models, even with competitors. This is our significant advantage that will help us withstand and grow.

IT Wave is a new wave of energy for the development of small and medium-sized IT businesses.

Conference Schedule
We invite you on February 23rd at 2:00 PM
Registration (Welcome coffee)
Opening remarks from the organizers
Investments for IT Professionals
Eric Nyman, entrepreneur, financial analyst, and author of 6 books on trading and investing
Risks of Investing in Construction
Dmytro Tkachenko, business lawyer, founder and managing partner of the DT Partners Law Association
Coffee break, networking
How to Define and Achieve Financial Freedom
Liubomyr Ostapiv, renowned Ukrainian financier, founder of the "Family Budget" social project, partner at, and author of books
Спікери IT Wave
Dmytro Tkachenko
Business lawyer, founder, and managing partner of the DT Partners Law Association
Dmytro has over 15 years of experience in legal support in real estate, providing legal assistance to investors, construction companies, and development projects. He is an expert in national and international tax planning and tax optimization
Eric Nyman
Entrepreneur, financial analyst, and author of 6 books on trading and investing
Eric is the founder and head of HUG’S, a fintech startup specializing in asset management on global securities markets. With 25+ years of experience in international investments and capital management
Liubomyr Ostapiv
Renowned Ukrainian financier, founder of the "Family Budget" social project, partner at, and author of books.
Liubomyr Ostapiv began his professional career in Ukraine in 2005, returning to Ukraine after a one-year internship program in the United States. His first company was Deloitte&Touche, followed by years of financial career development. He is the author of the first Ukrainian-language book on family budgeting for young couples, 'Love and Budget.' In 2020, he released a book for parents on financial education for children, 'Child and Budget.'
Registration for the conference
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Conference organizer
the unification of IT companies, whose activities are directly focused on the development of the IT industry, creating an innovative and technological image of the region.
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