We will be happy to add your event to the list of current events initiated by Odessa IT companies and the community.
Use the form, or send us information by mail:
📢 Your First Interview with Odesa IT Family 📢

As part of the IT Starts project, we are organizing “Youth PreView” — mock interviews for various positions. The event will take place in September-October at Odesa National Mechnikov University, and the mock interviews will be held for positions such as C# developer, C++ developer, front-end developer, and others.

Features of Updating Military Registration Data. Legal Aspects for Citizens and Enterprises

“Features of Updating Military Registration Data. Legal Aspects for Citizens and Enterprises” — What You Need to Know?
We invite you to join us for a webinar on June 11 at 1:30 PM!

Odesa Cloud Native #37

We invite our friends and colleagues to the event: Odesa Cloud Native #37: Observability Unconference
May 30 at 7:00 p.m

A Guide to Job Hunting

“A Guide to Job Hunting.” Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Especially when you are a student wanting to start your career, but how do you prepare for it?
Oksana Furman, HRD of Citrus, will help you take the first steps in her lecture on May 31st at 11:00 AM!

The IT Wave One-Day Business Conference

The IT Wave One-Day Business Conference will not only provide you with valuable knowledge and insights from leading IT industry experts but will also become part of our charitable mission.
To support our defenders, 100% of the collected funds will be donated to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Join us on May 24th at 10:00 AM, learn, support our army, and have a chance to win great prizes!
Join us and do good together!

IT Wave One-Day Business Conference

We invite you to an exciting event that will uncover insights into the IT sector today!
Join us for our eighth IT Wave One-Day Business Conference, which we are organizing in collaboration with Insurance Company UNIVERSALNA and the IT company EPAM, supported by UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group!

We support the Code Breaker Hackathon!

We support the Code Breaker Hackathon!

Code Breaker is an event in the field of cybersecurity, where schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to learn to solve tasks requiring knowledge of programming, cryptography, network security, and other areas related to cybersecurity.

Register for Code Breaker and join the Hackathon on May 8 in Odesa!

Code Breaker Hackathon

Odesa IT Family supported the Code Breaker Hackathon.
CTF Code Breaker is a popular cybersecurity competition where schoolchildren or students have the opportunity to compete in solving tasks that require knowledge of programming, cryptography, network security, and other areas related to cybersecurity.

What is CRS and how it works?

Odesa IT Family, with the support of Digilaw agency, invites you to an online cozy meeting to discuss automatic exchange of tax information.

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