We want to band all companies of Odesa together and involve them in the development of the IT-industry in the region.
Let's start simple! Please, feel free to add your company or community to our web-site, so the visitors will get to know you better.

ITSTEP is the world’s largest IT educational institution, which combines courses, secondary schools, IT colleges and universities.

Курс IT Fundamentals від EPAM University повертається. Додатково відкриті спеціалізовані програми.

Після успіху пілотного проєкту IT-Fundamentals EPAM University відкриває доступ до базових програм курсу в режимі самостійного навчання.

Atom Space

AtomSpace — це простір, в якому постійно діє коворкінг і лекторій для підлітків.

Hillel IT School

Being one of the largest IT schools in Ukraine, Hillel IT School is constantly evolving and integrating innovations in the learning process.


IT2School is a volunteer community of IT specialists teaching children programming and modern technologies.

To our future members

Becoming a member of Odesa IT Family means joining the largest IT platform in the South of Ukraine. Here, in our team with like-minded people, you will help in building a strong IT community, developing joint IT-projects, supporting technical education in the region and beyond.

Together with other strong companies in Odesa, we can be more than the sum of our parts.

Who can join the Odesa IT Family? All IT-companies and any other companies from related fields (business, education, etc.) that share our main values and are ready to make IT Odesa great!

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