2 August 2021
Hillel IT School

Being one of the largest IT schools in Ukraine, Hillel IT School is constantly evolving and integrating innovations in the learning process.

Hillel IT School built a team of 250+ specialists with an average work experience of 5+ years, who are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with Students.

One of the school’s key performance indicators is the percentage of employed students. To achieve these performance targets, Hillel IT School involves only high-skilled practitioners from the best IT companies, who clearly understand market requirements. Moreover, school included bonus IT-oriented English lessons, special classes with HR specialists, and masterclasses by professionals into the training program.

Hillel IT School adheres to the absolute customer orientation idea and aims for making the learning process comfortable for all Students. Hillel IT School’s mission is to give everyone a chance to transform their lives no matter what their age or skill level is and become a sought-after IT specialist.

Також дивись

ITSTEP is the world’s largest IT educational institution, which combines courses, secondary schools, IT colleges and universities.

Курс IT Fundamentals від EPAM University повертається. Додатково відкриті спеціалізовані програми.

Після успіху пілотного проєкту IT-Fundamentals EPAM University відкриває доступ до базових програм курсу в режимі самостійного навчання.

Atom Space

AtomSpace — це простір, в якому постійно діє коворкінг і лекторій для підлітків.


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