13 April 2023
IT Ukraine Education Summit 2023

SAVE THE DATE! IT Ukraine Education Summit 2023 IS COMING SOON!

On June 7, 2023, we invite you to join the IT Ukraine Education Summit online. 

In the spotlight of the event is the discussion of the state of IT education in 2023 and the determination of an effective strategy for the preservation and professional development of human resources in Ukraine.

IT Ukraine Education Summit is an opportunity:

  • to learn about new modern approaches to the education of IT professionals;
  • to analyze TOP projects of educational institutions and successful educational cases for students and switchers;
  • to join the synergy of state, corporate and private IT education in Ukraine.

Education is the basis, the foundation on which all developed and technological countries are built. Its development is the future of Ukraine, which we must take care of today, no matter what. That’s why the Ministry of Digital Transformation pays so much attention to educational projects even in wartime. We are moving in this direction together with business, and this synergy has proven to be effective, for example, in projects such as IT Generation, Re/start in cyber, and others. We strive to deepen our cooperation and have as many successful educational projects as possible, – said Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Oleksandr Bornyakov


The date: 07.06.2023 (Wednesday)

Participation format: Online

Registration required! Book now: https://bit.ly/3UyVV70

More details about the event on the official website: https://www.education.itukraine.org.ua/


The event will bring together representatives of educational institutions and specialised IT companies, switchers and everyone related to the IT education issue.

IT Ukraine Education Summit attracts more than 2000 online participants and 30+ speakers annually. 

We invite you to join and discuss with us!


The event is organised by the IT Ukraine Association and supported by the Ministry of Digital Transformation. Partners – EPAM Ukraine та GoIT

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