28 May 2024
IT Wave One-Day Business Conference

IT Wave One-Day Business Conference is happening this Friday!
We invite everyone in Odesa to join us offline for a “live” exchange of experiences, but all interested parties can also join online!

Don’t forget to specify your participation format during registration so we can send the online stream link to online participants.
Registration and more information: https://it-family.od.ua/it-wave-24-05-2024/
The stream will be available at this link: https://youtube.com/live/2UFDkJw-2n4?feature=share

This time, the event will be dedicated to HRs and recruiters in Odesa. We will discuss a range of pressing topics related to our professional activities.

Among the topics we plan to cover:

  • “The Veteran’s Path in the Company”: tips and strategies for the successful integration of veterans into the team;
  • “Effective Treatment of Critical Illnesses in Wartime Conditions”: the importance of providing proper medical support for employees;
  • “Employee Reservations”;
  • “Using AI in HR and Recruitment.”

Additionally, the conference will present the results of the Odesa IT Family Research 2.0, which will provide valuable insights and conclusions for all participants.

We look forward to seeing you on May 24th!

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Odesa IT Family supported a series of IT Olympiads

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ML WEEK 2025

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ITBridge: an international project for digital integration of Ukraine and the EU

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