29 April 2024
Final of the Fresh Air hackathon 2024

On April 19, a very important event took place for us – the final of the Fresh Air hackathon, which we organized together with the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at Odesa Polytechnic Institute with the support of the general partner Akkerman Solutions! We were thrilled by the ideas and projects presented by the teams and want to thank you for your creativity! We are proud of our youth!

The IT event brought together students and graduates from the Odesa region and other regions of Ukraine who presented their projects for the development of socially oriented digital products. This year, more than 20 teams from various educational institutions participated in the competition with projects dedicated to finding innovative solutions for the reconstruction and development of the country and business.

All the ideas touched our hearts, but the best had to be сhosen:

🔹 1st place – team “Perimeter”, Odesa Polytechnic Institute, an innovative system for automated detection and tracking of vehicle surveillance, aimed at ensuring the safety and confidentiality of users on the road.

🔹 2nd place – team “KNESS”, Vinnytsia National Technical University, development of an application that simplifies personnel hiring.

🔹 3rd place – team “ROBO TEAM”, Odesa Polytechnic Institute, autonomous manipulator (robotic arm) with technical vision.

The youngest participants of the Hackathon from Ivanivska Gymnasium of Krasnosilka Village Council of Odesa District, teams TouchGame and ComputerDream, impressed the jury and audience with creative developments of a tactile glove for computer games and computer art and animation.

The best Fresh AIR teams received prizes and gifts for their developments from our partners: companies Capgemini Engineering, DataArt, Provectus, EPAM Ukraine, UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group, Computer Academy It Step, Regional Development Agency of Odesa Region, and the winners shared a prize fund of 50,000 hryvnias.

We also sincerely thank the jury members, led by candidate of technical sciences, director Mykhailo Lobachev from the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the National University “Odesa Polytechnic Institute”. Among those who evaluated the project presentations was CEO of Odesa IT Family Katerina Solovei.

We hope that next year the Fresh AIR Hackathon will once again bring together the talented youth of Ukraine in peacetime!

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