24 November 2023
IT Research

Do you work in an IT company? Take our survey to help us explore the state of the region’s tech industry.

Odesa IT Family conducts an annual survey of the IT industry in the region with the support of the Regional Development Agency.

Why is your participation important? Every year, we provide a survey of both IT specialists and CEOs of IT companies, regardless of their affiliation to the relevant associations, to get a detailed 360° overview of the industry.

Thanks to the joint efforts of research participants, you get access to information for making data-driven decisions, the opportunity to assess the current market landscape and the mood of its players.

The survey is completely confidential. Your answers will not be disclosed, will be used purely for analytical purposes and will be presented only in a summarized form. The results of the research will be made public already in December this year.

Take the survey (takes 5 minutes): https://www.questionpro.com/a/TakeSurvey?tt=NPnWqmp%2BoukECHrPeIW9eQ%3D%3D

Також дивись
Our partners are among the top 50 IT companies of Ukraine

DOU portal has published a rating of the top 50 Ukrainian IT companies! Our member companies and partners are on the list.

Current vacancies in Odesa IT companies

We are pleased to share with you a selection of current vacancies in Odesa IT companies. These opportunities can be your first step towards new professional achievements and career development in one of the leading industries in the region. Don’t miss your chance to find your dream job!

DataArt has provided Ukraine with access points and switches received from international donors!

Approximately 800 units of high-speed network equipment, including routers, switches, Wi-Fi access points, and more, were delivered and donated to educational institutions in Odesa, Kremenchuk, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Dnipro, and Lviv regions.

Your first interview with the Odesa IT Family as part of the IT Starts project

We aim to help students understand their level of knowledge and their ability to work in trainee/junior positions, encourage knowledge seekers to self-learn, and propose the best students as candidates for work in our participating companies and/or their partners!

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