5 December 2023
IT2SCHOOL invites IT specialists to join volunteer mentors

Our friends IT2SCHOOL, a community of volunteer IT professionals, invites you to December events!

Master class “Robotics. Robot competition” on December 9 at 10:00 a.m. at America House Odesa (Gretska, 1a)
Master class “New Year’s game on Scratch” on December 9 at 15:00 in Sandbox Kids (Gretska, 1a)
Master class “New Year’s card in HTML/CSS” on December 10 at 15:00 at Sandbox Kids (Gretska, 1a)

To participate, you need to register using the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyfchnUKeOkd8n51e_e2JLfnfGVp4CjP_e2MxpJ8YmCsZYZg/viewform

The IT2SCHOOL team invites IT professionals to join as volunteer mentors for such educational programs as Scratch, HTML/CSS, Python, Robotics, Web Design, etc. If you wish to study in a different direction, help will be provided in designing the curriculum.

For mentors, IT2School provides management of the educational process:
– Provides a training program or helps develop your own.
– Agrees on the place and time of classes (permanent or one-time), convenient for the teacher.
– Performs recruitment in the group according to the teachers’ preferences (age, skills).
– Supports communication with parents.
– Assists with conducting classes and collecting feedback.

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