1 January 2024
Useful podcasts for the holidays

What to do on January 1, if you are a student and you have a vacation?
You can do anything you like, while learning something useful at the same time!

How is it? Turn on podcasts about the IT industry. We at Odesa IT Family have prepared a selection:
Podcast from Odesa resident Serhiy Petrenko. For example, is it interesting to hear about the results of 2023: OpenAI, Twitter, Apple Vision Pro? Follow the link: https://youtu.be/kw2VaVnqpSU?si=aO2sAt6Cs_AENx3t

Podcast from our permanent partners IT Ukraine Association “Frankly about IT”
Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoOdJdd0-XDsHBtryRHkWJ5nQN5u_F32a

EPAM Ukraine Career: https://www.youtube.com/@epamuacareer/
It’s raining cats&dogs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVcQgfgkTJR9d6F6B8qzSiIE0I7dagBM0
Juniverse: https://www.youtube.com/c/JunJob
Practical Product Design: https://www.youtube.com/@practicalproductdesign
Maksym Rudnyi: https://www.youtube.com/@MaksymRudnyi
CEO of today: https://www.youtube.com/@ceo3307
Code of the Universe: https://www.youtube.com/@kod_vsesvitu
Google won’t tell: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaqAusu5JS1fI6u-msv_Qw
Design Jam: https://www.youtube.com/@designjam-podcast
 “Closed the round”: https://www.youtube.com/@zakryvlive
This is a solution: good code: https://soundcloud.com/radioskovoroda/sets/tse-solyushn
CodeUA: https://www.youtube.com/@CodeUA
1:1 with Anastasia Dzhogola: https://youtube.com/@1to1withAnastasiaDzhogola?si=VhZzdvM73_4n4YJL
Pulse Time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbQunjZ3SmkojNO6d7eWmwRCJuZiqsKaD
Hanna Pylieva: https://www.youtube.com/@hanna_pylieva395
Lviv Java Club: https://www.youtube.com/@lvivjavaclub
From A to QA: https://www.youtube.com/@from_a_to_qa
DevOpsDays Ukraine community: https://www.youtube.com/@devopsdayskyiv977/playlists
Pi Tech Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3R9lpPlVDyBIG2qC7zqHhj?si=e2b18c0ed22845a8
Cinderella  Software testing: https://youtube.com/@Popeliuha
Fwdays Tech Talks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPcgQFk9n9y9kc6MilJKf9EXhe_RbcpAu
Altsibeev (podcast): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoO8tI9oPxRP4W9_x0eOFTw
Viktor Tursky about programming: https://youtube.com/@AboutProgramming
keep going: https://youtube.com/@keepgoingblog?si=9ivbQYEv-EJYHI3M
Testing Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/@TestingMinutes
UANDERDOG: https://open.spotify.com/show/2S1pS5zmIK5cSmLx4EsSOz
Product Talk: https://prjctr.com/library/playlist/product-talks
what’s the noise?: https://www.youtube.com/@shozashum
Channel about solving LitCode in Ukrainian: https://www.youtube.com/@leetcodeUA

Want part two? If we see feedback from you, we will add more 🙂

Choose a topic that interests you and enjoy.
By the way, it will be interesting for both startups and entrepreneurs!

Також дивись
Odesa IT Research ’24: How the Odesa IT market is changing

We at Odesa IT Family have conducted a large-scale study of the Odesa IT market – more than 1000 questionnaires have been collected! The results show interesting trends that are worth discussing.

Odesa IT Family supported a series of IT Olympiads

We are glad to be a part of the development of future IT specialists and support three Olympiads: in mathematics, computer science, and information technology. This year, together with our partners, we prepared 25 gifts for the most talented participants to recognize their achievements and encourage them to further develop in the IT field.

ML WEEK 2025

On January 26 – February 1, ML Week 2025 took place at the Polytechnic-2 training and recreation camp (Slavske). The event brought together 80 students from the leading universities of Ukraine (OP, KhPI, NULP, KPI), creating a platform for the development of future leaders in machine learning.

ITBridge: an international project for digital integration of Ukraine and the EU

We are pleased to share that Odesa IT Family, together with Kharkiv IT Cluster and IT Dnipro Community, have become part of the international ITBridge project! Together with our European partners – Transilvania IT Cluster (Romania) and Digital Cluster of Catalonia (Spain) – we are working on the integration of Ukrainian IT companies into the digital space of Europe.

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