2 August 2022
Місія “Panisher”: крила для України!

The frontman of the Boombox band— Andrii Khlyvniuk and the “IT Ukraine” Association are raising funds for Ukrainian reusable Punisher strike drones.

The purpose of the collection: 10 Ukrainian reusable Punisher strike drones for Ukrainian defenders for 20 million hryvnias.

Everybody, who donates, will have a chance to receive a thank you gift from Andrii Khlyvniuk – his plate carrier!

“One of you, who transfers money, will get this plate carrier which I’ve been using for three months – right from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russian-fascist troops of the territory of the Ukrainian independent state. Thank you for your support! It is very important. Together we will win!” — Andrii Khlyvniuk.

The winner will be determined after the fundraising campaign ends.

You can support the Punisher Mission, learn more about fundraising and drones at the link: https://donate.itukraine.org.ua.

Fundraising campaign is supported by the Charity organization “ANDRII KHLYVNIUK FUND”!

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