11 October 2024
The X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatics. Culture. Technology”

On the 26th of September, the Institute of Computer Systems of Odesa Polytechnic hosted the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatics. Culture. Technique” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the institute. The event was organized with the support of Odesa IT Family and became a real celebration of science and technology.

More than 100 students and teachers, as well as leading companies in the industry, joined the conference: EPAM, Netcracker, Luxoft, U-nation, Autodoc, and Capgemini. Speakers shared interesting reports on relevant topics:

“Technological trends 2025 – Vlad Shimov, CEO of Capgemini Engineering Ukraine.
“Industry outlook and the future” – Alexander Petlya, AUTODOC.
“Opportunities for student development in the region – Yuriy Yevstafiev, EPAM.

After the informative speeches, the conference participants had an opportunity to socialize at a buffet table where they cut a birthday cake in honor of the anniversary. The students also prepared a creative program with songs and humorous performances, which created a special atmosphere of celebration.

This conference was not only an important event for the scientific community, but also a great opportunity for participants to broaden their horizons, exchange ideas, and get inspired for future achievements in the field of computer science and engineering.

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