23 September 2024
The U-Nation Draft Hackaton took place

The team plays a crucial role in the success of any project. There are many incredible ideas that have not come to fruition, so our U-Nation colleagues held the first U-Nation Hackathon in an unusual format – to find talent.
Odesa IT Family supported and joined the event to help participants form a project team!

Experts spoke at the event with topics and presentations on how to build your Dream Team: FlorianAndrews (Founder of Sustainable and Circular Initiatives), Iryna Dyatlenko (Director of Talent Acquisition at Luxsoft), Vadym Rogovskyi (mentor at Ukrainian Startup Fund, founder of Startup School).

Three startups have already added new team members, so this format definitely makes sense to continue.

Mentors played an important role in helping the teams. We would like to thank Denys Popkov (Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Technology and Cybersecurity, Odesa National Technological University), Larysa Martynovych (Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technologies with IT Specialties, I. Mechnikov Odesa National University), Svitlana Antoshchuk (Director of the Institute of Computer Systems, National University “Odesa Polytechnic”), Mykhailo Lobachev (Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Odesa Polytechnic), and the mentors.

We thank the organizers, participants and experts! To be continued!

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