8 March 2022
Announcement! We opened aid money charges for those who was wounded

Friends, colleagues, we cannot stay away at this time.

WE ANNOUNCE THE COLLECTION OF AID FOR THE WOUNDED! Announcement! We opened aid money charges for those who was wounded.

We are currently aware of the need for assistance to the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Southern Region. We will also provide on-demand assistance to promptly rescue your colleagues, friends or family members, as well as all other people in need of an ambulance.

Join us! We will publish the full report on the targeted use of funds together with a photo report of the assistance provided. And we will personally verify each request for assistance.


п/р UA783510050000026001879035141 в АТ “УКРСИББАНК”

65014, Україна, м. Одеса, вул. Бунiна, будинок 1

код за ЄДРПОУ 43880859

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