The second season of the educational and scholarship program “Міцність” is being launched. Participants will receive training in marketing, digitalization, scaling, and mentoring. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to win scholarships to develop their business.
On November 28, Synergy. IT Business & IT Education will bring together representatives of higher education institutions, leading industry experts, owners and managers of educational businesses, practicing teachers, and various groups of students to share experiences and ideas in the field of education. This time, everyone will have the opportunity to join without restrictions and take part in 9 hours of rich content right from home, as the event will be held online.
DataArt IT-company invites everyone who likes to solve algorithmic problems to take part in the annual International Olympiad in sports programming Proggy-Buggy Contest, which will be held on October 26, 2024 at 13:00 (online and offline).
Developing a strategy for retaining talent in a crisis, being prepared for international challenges, and mastering the legal aspects of business is possible with IT Dnipro BizSchool.
And we invite you to be the first to find out the details at the business school’s OPEN DAY on the Outsource module: “Anti-crisis business management in conditions of instability through HR and Recruitment processes”.
IT Dnipro BizSchool is the only business school from practicing leaders of the IT industry! You will receive the results of training with leading experts. Join, get experience from top IT industry experts and professional support!
NorthLink Digital’s team has a strong track record and an impeccable reputation in the financial services and insurance industries. Its clients include fintech companies, hedge funds, and international banks. The company also provides services in the areas of e-commerce, transportation and logistics.