Design and Evolution of APIs in Microservice Architecture

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Wide adoption of Microservice Architecture presents a whole new set of challenges for us as developers. Some of them are well-known and understood. About others we do not think until they strike us out of the blue and we spend a lot of sleepless nights trying to figure them out. And communication between services in distributed system is one of the latter.

During this Microservice Architecture Odesa #TechTalk we will talk about how to prevent your microservices from becoming a modern-world Tower of Babel. We will discuss how to select appropriate communication mechanisms for most common cases in a distributed system, how should we define API contracts for each of them and what tools are available for us to keep them consistent and evolve them over time.

We will touch following topics:

🔹 REST vs RPC vs Messaging and how not to get lost with your options.

🔹 Contract First development and how it can save time in multi-team environment.

🔹 SwaggerHub as a single Point of truth for REST API

🔹 Best practices for gRPC contracts and how to deal with changes in them.

About speaker:

🔸Andrii Barsukov is Senior .NET developer at Lohika, with 5+ years of commercial experience in development of microservice applications. Currently participating in development of microservice-based financial system, which includes 20+ microservices developed by 10 separate development teams. And some of the challenges that we faced during its development I’d like to share.

🔹𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲: Marazlievska str., 1a

🔹𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻: 29.07.2021 at 19:00

🔹𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲: free / donation, we will be thankful for the transfer of funds to the charity fund “Корпорация Монстров”

🔹Language: Russian

🔹Registration is obligatory

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