Games Gathering Odessa 2021

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Games Gathering 2021 Odessa presents news and innovations in game development. At the conference you may ask skilled developers in person about their experience, get huge networking opportunities with them and spent great time in sunny Odessa. Thanks to the hybrid format, you can easily combine useful networking with vacation.

Games Gathering Odessa 2021 is an international gaming conference in Odessa. This is an opportunity to raise your professional level and meet new business partners — publishers, investors and service providers.

These are lectures where experienced developers will share their own experience and reveal the most interesting professional secrets.

These are free booths for indie teams, an opportunity to demonstrate your product by taking part in the INDIE BLAST showcase and apply to the Indie Blast Awards competition.

These are leading industry experts, always ready for heart-to-heart communication and new business acquaintances.

In 2021, a hybrid conference format awaits you:

30.06 – 01.07 online days

02.07 preparty on the ship

03.07 – 04.07 offline days.

Games Gathering 2021 Odessa is a great opportunity to spend your summer weekend pleasantly and profitably!

Learn more and register here:

For subscribers Odesa IT Family provided a promo code that gives a 10% discount on tickets.

Promo code: GG4RPRTNRS3

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Odesa IT Family за підтримки агенції Digilaw запрошує вас на онлайн лампову зустріч, аби поговорити про автоматичний обмін податковою інформацією.

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