IT DAY: only a couple of days left to register!

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WHAT? IT DAY: Export Evolution IT presentation and a panel discussion about IT export

WHEN? Aug 26th, 11:00 to 14:00

WHERE? Online via ZOOM platform

Anu Mall Naarits, the Head mentor and trainer of the program and Maxim Chechelev, the Program Manager will reveal all the Export Evolution IT Program details, and a secret bonus on business development.

Our expert speakers of the panel discussion of the trends in global IT export are:

  • Valerii Dobrovolskii, IT Sector Lead at the USAID Competitive Economy Program in Ukraine (CEP)
  • Constantine Vasuk, IT UKRAINE Association
  • IT mentors of Export Evolution IT (selection in progress)
  • Ukrainian IT business representative (selection in progress)

Do not forget about the unique opportunity to receive a case study of your business from the international expert in a “SHOW HOW” part of the event, where 2 or 3 most interesting cases sent by the event participants will be solved.

Register, send your case, and get the maximum effect from the IT Day event:

Registration is open until Aug 23rd, 23:59. Confirmation and link to the ZOOM event will be sent to you 24 hours before the event.

Export Evolution IT registration continues! It is the first educational program for the IT sector companies in Ukraine to develop skills in export and business process management.

More details here:

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