IT talk “Digital Overload: Avoiding Burnout in the ‘New Normal’ ”

As part of these weeks, we invite everyone who is interested in the topic of Digital Overload to an open IT talk “ Digital Overload and the Relationships Impacted by Extended Telecommuting: Avoiding Burnout in the ‘New Normal’ ”

Link for registration:

In our upcoming lecture, Hai Vo and Patrick Mitchell will discuss:

• How the positive and negative loss and gain of telecommuting impacts our relationships with the self, space, team, and company on a mental, physical, and emotional level

• Ways to help mitigate negative loss and negative gain impacts, as well as stress management and burnout prevention strategies during extended telecommuting.


Hai Vo, Managing Director, Durable Approach. Hai has a background in IT, Human Resources management, and 15+ years of experience in setting up and managing remote and distributed IT teams. Hai sits on the board of a sustainable African housing project and has taught Yoga for almost a decade.

Patrick Mitchell, Director of Pedagogy, Durable Approach. With a background in Philosophy and Sociology, Patrick has taught at the university level, sat on international educational program committees, and continues to sit on the board of an academic publishing platform.

The presentation will be in English.

Date and time: April, 1, 15:00 UTC

Participation in the event is free. Preliminary registration is necessary:

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