News in IT
We raised funds for two tablets for the Defense Forces of Ukraine

Together we raised funds for two tablets for our Defense Forces. This is one more example of how joint efforts bring real results for our defenders.

Ukrainian IT clusters: how the community works during the war

The reporter Dmytro Kazantsev prepared an article for Mezha.Media (a media site from a team of professional IT journalists) and asked Odesa IT Family for a comment.

Marketing conference “Marketing in the era of great changes” was held

Kateryna Solovey, CEO of Odesa IT Family, together with prominent speakers and concerned citizens of Odesa, took part in the conference organized by Odesa National Economic University.

The charity half-marathon “Road to Victory” was held

Odesa IT Family supported the event from the Odesa Regional State Administration.

Speaking Club for students is back

Speaking Club for students is back!
We’re launching free English speaking classes for students.

EPAM IT-company and the Monster Corporation Charitable Foundation have equipped a stabilization center for Ukraine’s defenders

EPAM, the largest IT company in Ukraine, regularly helps Ukrainian defenders and medics at the frontline. In September, the company allocated UAH 615 thousand to the Odesa-based charity foundation Monster Corporation to purchase medical equipment.


On the third day, during the large-scale IT Arena conference, many meetups were organized, where participants had the opportunity to join in on what they were interested in and concerned about the most.

The X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatics. Culture. Technology”

On the 26th of September, the Institute of Computer Systems of Odesa Polytechnic hosted the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatics. Culture. Technique” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the institute. The event was organized with the support of Odesa IT Family and became a real celebration of science and technology.

The IT WAVE conference took place

On Friday 13th September, we gathered at the 9th IT WAVE conference, where our wonderful speakers shared valuable experiences on various aspects of communication.

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