19 April 2023
U-Nation Conference

May 20 for Europe Day – U-Nation Conference at Premier Hotel – for everyone who wants to create the modern Ukraine of our dreams!

A large-scale conference about the opportunities that await us during the revival of the economy, about the priority areas of business of the future, international investments and partnerships, technologies and presentations of incredible projects that you can join!

The economic recovery strategy and what the investment “Marshal Plan” will be for Ukraine:

Serhiy Tsivkach (CEO Ukraine Invest)

Panel discussion: Priority areas of business and entrepreneurship of the future:

Dmytro Kazavchinskyi (Vision of the development of Odesa from the Founder of the Odesa Business Club)
Serhii Kononenko (Agro and Energy Industries, Industrial Parks, Director of the Agency for Regional Development of the Odesa Region)
Roman Hrygoryshyn (Deputy Head of the Odesa Military Administration for Investment and Foreign Economic Activities, ProUkraine leader and EXPO2030 initiator)
Artur Lupashko (Tourism after the victory, how the world wants to look at the country that defeated such an enemy, founder of Ribas Hotels)
Kateryna Solovei (IT and Technologies, CEO Odesa IT Family)

Presentation of projects, choose and join to develop together!

EXPO 2030, Odesa is now the main candidate for the largest World Exhibition, which takes place every five years, the last one was in Dubai – Roman Hrygoryshyn
International startup accelerator in the South of Ukraine called U-Nation – Yan Shapiro
MriyaLand – reconstruction of the agricultural ecosystem on the example of Kibbutzim – Oksana Kuznetsova
Alternative Energy projects, industrial parks from the Regional Development Agency of the Odesa region – Iryna Yefimenko
3D technologies for construction from Team4UA – Guillaume Banos

International partners and their role in the revival:

The French, who are already reviving Ukraine with technology!

Jean-Christophe Bonis (Founder of Team4UA)
Guillaume Banos (Partnership officer Team4UA)

Networking with music and wine tasting from event partners.

Register via the link.

Також дивись
Project IT4KIDS: Smart Technologies for the Next Generation

On July 22, an incredibly exciting lecture on “Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models (LLMs)” took place. Children aged 10 to 16 dived into the world of innovation and discovery, learning the basics of modern technologies.

The second international conference “Advanced Technologies in Information and Communication Engineering” was held

At the International Humanitarian University, the second international conference “Advanced Technologies in Information and Communication Engineering” took place. We were delighted to attend and share our projects with undergraduates, graduate students, and young scientists.

Awarding of diplomas and scholarships at ONTU

Last week, Odesa IT Family awarded scholarships to the top graduates of the Odesa National Technological University!

Opening of the laboratory at I. I. Mechnikov National University

We presented the Odesa IT Family lab to the students of the I.I. Mechnikov Odesa National University at the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies!

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