News in IT
A roundtable discussion took place with representatives of the Regional State Administration (RSA)

On June 17, a roundtable discussion took place with representatives of the Regional State Administration (RSA). The leadership of the digitization direction, namely the Deputy Head of the Odesa Regional State Administration for Digital Development, Digital Transformations, and Digitization, Serhiy Kropyva, took the initiative and invited the community to an offline roundtable.

Open Day was held at the International Humanitarian University

The Faculty of Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, and Computer Sciences at International Humanitarian University held an Open Day!

The Features of Updating Military Registration Data. Legal Aspects for Citizens and Businesses

The Features of Updating Military Registration Data. Legal Aspects for Citizens and Businesses” — a topic that generates a lot of interest due to its utmost relevance.
That’s why, together with our partners, DT Partners, we held a legal webinar. Irina Havryliuk, a lawyer at DT Partners, provided consultations and shared the latest updates.

The Concept of MVP Product in Student Developments

Minimum Viable Products (MVP) are not products with limited functionality but a “strategy used for quickly and quantitatively exploring the market for a specific product or product feature.”
Victor Yatsenko, HRD, Product, and Project Manager, talked about the world of MVP in student project developments during his lecture as part of the “IT Starts” project.

Sustainable Development and Digital Innovations: Present and Future

On May 17th, Odesa IT Family joined the conference “Sustainable Development and Digital Innovations: Present and Future” hosted by the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications!

IT Wave One-Day Business Conference was held

Last week, we held our landmark event — the IT Wave One-Day Business Conference, which gathered over 80 participants and numerous online listeners from all corners of Ukraine and beyond, thanks to our live stream! This conference became a true wave of innovation, knowledge, and inspiration for HR professionals and recruiters.

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