News in IT
“Artificial Intelligence in Business using the example of LLM (Large Language Model)”

“Artificial Intelligence in Business using the example of LLM (Large Language Model)” – new topics that students learned within the IT Starts project. Anton Liutov, Senior ML Engineer at DataArt, who has over 6 years of experience in Data Science and more than 5 LLM projects, immersed them in the world of LLM.

The “Communication” training

Active participants received gifts from Luxoft, and each received a cool electronic certificate upon completion.

“Updated Informatics – IT Studies”

Odesa IT Family, together with experts from our member companies, actively participates in the project “Updated Informatics – IT Studies” initiated by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine under the EU4Digital Ukraine program.

Meeting with Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

At Odesa IT Family, we believe in synergy and are convinced that together we are stronger and more effective, which is why it is important to maintain constant dialogue between business and government.

Odesa IT Family has donated crucial vision devices to City Children’s Polyclinic No. 2

Odesa IT Family has donated crucial vision devices to City Children’s Polyclinic No. 2, which we recently purchased thanks to your donations.

Educational projects from Odesa IT Family

In April of last year, Odesa IT Family initiated a series of career orientation lectures for high school students and students of Mechnikov Institute. The goal was to help them learn more comprehensively about all professions in the IT field. In October, the project expanded, with other universities joining, and now we not only provide lectures but also conduct an English Speaking Club and organize scientific and technological conferences.

Useful podcasts for the holidays

What to do on January 1, if you are a student and you have a vacation?
You can do anything you like, while learning something useful at the same time!
How is it? Turn on podcasts about the IT industry. We at Odesa IT Family have prepared a selection.

IT Arena 2023

Odesa IT Family visited the IT Arena! Three days at the largest English-language tech conference in Ukraine.

A vision of human capital for the IT industry

The world does not stand still and this should be realized. Kharkiv IT Cluster initiated a facilitation session with key stakeholders in IT education on the human capital vision for the IT industry. Odesa IT Family was honored to be a part of such a significant event for the industry.

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