News in IT
Educational projects from Odesa IT Family

In April of last year, Odesa IT Family initiated a series of career orientation lectures for high school students and students of Mechnikov Institute. The goal was to help them learn more comprehensively about all professions in the IT field. In October, the project expanded, with other universities joining, and now we not only provide lectures but also conduct an English Speaking Club and organize scientific and technological conferences.

Useful podcasts for the holidays

What to do on January 1, if you are a student and you have a vacation?
You can do anything you like, while learning something useful at the same time!
How is it? Turn on podcasts about the IT industry. We at Odesa IT Family have prepared a selection.

IT Arena 2023

Odesa IT Family visited the IT Arena! Three days at the largest English-language tech conference in Ukraine.

A vision of human capital for the IT industry

The world does not stand still and this should be realized. Kharkiv IT Cluster initiated a facilitation session with key stakeholders in IT education on the human capital vision for the IT industry. Odesa IT Family was honored to be a part of such a significant event for the industry.

Employer Branding Community

Friends of the Odesa IT Family, the Ukrainian Employer Branding Community has published the results of a study on how benefits in Ukrainian companies changed during a full-scale invasion.

EXPO 2030

Odesa IT Family є партнером Одеси та області як кандидата на проведення EXPO 2030. Ми всебічно підтримуємо можливість покращити імідж Одеси як міста IT-технологій та ідеального місця для зростання міжнародних компаній та інноваційних стартапів.

The Ukrainian version of the PMBOK Guide is now available for free

The seventh version of the international project management standard Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), a so-called “bible” for project managers, is now available in Ukrainian. The translation was sponsored by Intellias

Місія “Panisher”: крила для України!

The frontman of the Boombox band— Andrii Khlyvniuk and the “IT Ukraine” Association are raising funds for Ukrainian reusable Punisher strike drones.

Intellias opens new offices in Spain and Portugal, continues active recruitment in Ukraine

Ukrainian IT company Intellias continues to grow globally and plans to open new offices in Spain and Portugal.

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