News in IT
Mechanical dioptometer NJC-4 to the City Children’s Polyclinic No. 2

We are pleased to inform you that Odesa IT Family has purchased and delivered a mechanical dioptometer NJC-4 to the City Children’s Polyclinic No. 2

English speaking club from Odesa IT Family

This year, we launched a new project for students, because IT is very difficult without good English.

Educational projects from Odesa IT Family

In April of last year, Odesa IT Family initiated a series of career orientation lectures for high school students and students of Mechnikov Institute. The goal was to help them learn more comprehensively about all professions in the IT field. In October, the project expanded, with other universities joining, and now we not only provide lectures but also conduct an English Speaking Club and organize scientific and technological conferences.

Podcasts about IT and other technologies

Were you waiting for the second part of podcasts about IT and other technologies? Catch!
Choose what is closest to your heart.

Useful podcasts for the holidays

What to do on January 1, if you are a student and you have a vacation?
You can do anything you like, while learning something useful at the same time!
How is it? Turn on podcasts about the IT industry. We at Odesa IT Family have prepared a selection.

Happy New Year 2024!

2023 is the year of restoring our projects, creating new ones, partnerships with new organizations and companies and, of course, supporting the Armed Forces in all possible ways.

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