News in IT
Speaking Club for students is back

Speaking Club for students is back!
We’re launching free English speaking classes for students.

EPAM IT-company and the Monster Corporation Charitable Foundation have equipped a stabilization center for Ukraine’s defenders

EPAM, the largest IT company in Ukraine, regularly helps Ukrainian defenders and medics at the frontline. In September, the company allocated UAH 615 thousand to the Odesa-based charity foundation Monster Corporation to purchase medical equipment.

The X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatics. Culture. Technology”

On the 26th of September, the Institute of Computer Systems of Odesa Polytechnic hosted the X International Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatics. Culture. Technique” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the institute. The event was organized with the support of Odesa IT Family and became a real celebration of science and technology.

“CRS: Information Exchange, How Can Ukraine Find Out About Accounts Abroad? Is it necessary to declare accounts?”

What is a CRS exchange? How can Ukraine find out about accounts abroad?
Discussed at the webinar with Yevhen Sarafanov, CEO and founder of LOCMAN ICS!

The IT WAVE conference took place

On Friday 13th September, we gathered at the 9th IT WAVE conference, where our wonderful speakers shared valuable experiences on various aspects of communication.

Odesa IT Family Research 3.0 is in progress

We invite you to join the Odesa IT Family research, which will help to better understand the current state of the technology industry in the Odesa region and outline the prospects for the development of the IT market.

The U-Nation Draft Hackaton took place

Our U-Nation colleagues held the first U-Nation Hackathon in an unusual format – to find talent.
Odesa IT Family supported and joined the event to help participants form a project team!

Our partners are among the top 50 IT companies of Ukraine

DOU portal has published a rating of the top 50 Ukrainian IT companies! Our member companies and partners are on the list.

Current vacancies in Odesa IT companies

We are pleased to share with you a selection of current vacancies in Odesa IT companies. These opportunities can be your first step towards new professional achievements and career development in one of the leading industries in the region. Don’t miss your chance to find your dream job!

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